Where the Links lie...or maybe they tell the truth...or maaybe they stand! Who knows what I'm talking about. Just click on one and leave! JUST GO!... HEY! Where the @&%$ are you going! GET BACK HERE HEATHEN!
Auto's Rockman Robot Centre:You'll see majority of the sprites I use nowadays come from here. Well, he makes good sprites!
The Shyguy Kingdom:Though some of the sprites have no Outline...I like this site either way. Every genre of sprites available basically!
The Mechanical Maniacs:They Rule. Pure and Simple. Read the Epilogues. Great Stuff.
Age of Mythology Heaven:It has NOTHING to do with this site, but I like the game, and hence like this site.
The Megaman Homepage:This was the first Megaman Page I ever went to, and inspired me to write my Fan-Fiction. Great site.