Yeah. Me. The being that runs the site. In reality, I'm a computer nerd, but I don't wear comically huge glasses, plaid trousers, or have giant buckteeth. I am kinda weak, but I'm not smart, like you figured a nerd would be. I also don't wear glasses. I do have an extended vocabulary, and I can speed read, but that's it. I'm a Sophomore in High school...umm...I'm also single, due to the fact I'm incredibly weird...I guess. Y'know, not that I think about it, I'm more of a Gamer then a Nerd, but to some, there is no difference.
On the Coca-Cola and Anti-Coke argument, I like Coca-Cola. Just guess what Anti-Coke is. It shouldn't be too hard.
I plan on ruling the world someday. Be prepared. Emperor Exar...I love the sound of that.
I am currently writing an Online Novel about Rockman. Go. Read it.
E-Mail Address:Exar AT
MSN Messenger Name:MuramasaExar (Though I rarely go by that)
AIM Name:Warlord Exar